VEVOR 13000LBS/5897KG Electric Winch Strong 78ft Synthetic Rope Wireless Control for SUV Boat Truck Trailer Off-Road Repair Tool
Exterior Parts>>>Automobiles & Motorcycles
Origin CN(Origin)
Item Weight 67 LBS/30.4 KG
Voltage 12V
Line Material Synthetic
Line Diameter 3/8 inches
Rated Line Pull 13000 lbs (5897 kg)
Brake Type Automatic in the drum
Waterproof IP67
Ships From
United States
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Upgraded Electric Truck Winch 13000Ibs with 85ft Synthetic Rope
Recover a stuck vehicle, haul timber, or load a boat with this powerful auto winch. The motor stays cool while the 3-stage planetary gear system provides fast line speed. Featuring an automatic load-holding brake for safety, this electric winch is a must-have for your next off-road adventure.
Splendid Performance Advanced Synthetic Cable Convenient Wireless Remotes Enjoy any Adventure Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay LessVEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR's products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.
Why Choose VEVOR? Premium Tough Quality Incredibly Low Prices Fast & Secure Delivery 30-Day Free Returns 24/7 Attentive Service Key Features
13000 Lbs Loading Capacity
The electric winch features 13000 lbs loading capacity, suitable for ATV, UTV, car, boat, trucks, jeeps, modified vehicles, and multi-purpose utility trailers.
Powerful Motor & Gear
Powerful motor: 4.8 KW (6.6 HP), gear reduction ratio 265:1, 3 stage planetary with sliding ring gear clutch and auto in drum braking.
High Tensile Synthetic Rope
The synthetic rope is lightweight but strong. It also has good resistance to bending fatigue, abrasion resistance, and weather resistance. Suitable for all kinds of harsh environments.
Wireless Remote Control
You can operate the ATV winch even at a long distance with the wireless remote control. Or you can turn to the handlebar-mounted rocker switch as you like.
Complete Accessory Kit
All winches come with a thoughtful accessory kit, including wireless remote tools, a hook, control box, and a roller fairlead, ensuring excellent working performance.
Various Application
If you get into trouble when looking for a campsite that no one else can get to, this winch will be a lifesaver to bail your vehicle out of mud, inclines, or broken ground. Also, suitable for heavy lifting, fishing, etc.
Brand: VEVOR Rated Line Pull:13000 lbs (5897 kg) Motor: 4.8KW Gear Ratio: 265:1 Control:Wire/Wireless Control Brake Type: Automatic in the drum Fairlead Type: Hawse Gear Train: 3 Stage Planetary Gear Performance Voltage: 12V DC Motor Type: 4 x 4 Recovery Clutch: Sliding Ring Gear Pull/Lift Capacity: 13,000 lbs (4,535 kg) Synthetic Rope Length: 78 ft x 3/8" (20 mm) Rope Material: Synthetic Rope Weight: 67 LBS/30.4 KG Drum size: 2.5"x9.6" (63.5x224mm) Product Dimensions: 61x36x26 cm (24x14x10 in) Package Content 1 x 13,000Ibs Winch with 78 ft Synthetic Rope 1 x Fairlead 1 x Hook 1 x Convertible Control Pack 1 x Remote Control 1 x Handlebar-Mounted Rocker 1 x Accessory Set 1 x User Manual
Features & Details
【SPLENDID PERFORMANCE】- Winch Load Capacity: 13,000 lbs (5,897 kg); Power: 4.8 KW; Gear Ratio: 265:1. The powerful motor is connected to a 3-stage planetary gear system for stronger pulling power and faster speed. Suitable for cars, boats, trucks, jeeps, modified vehicles, and multi-purpose utility trailers. 【ADVANCED SYNTHETIC ROPE】- Cable length: 78 ft / 24 m; cable diameter: 3/8 in / 9.5 mm; The truck winch is equipped with the stronger synthetic cable rope. It allows you to quickly get rid of the predicament of cars getting stuck in the mud, broken down, and stranded on the beach. 【CONVENIENT WIRELESS REMOTES】- The electric winch comes with a high-precision wireless remote control to better monitor and controls the winch operating. It will not be restricted by terrain and weather. To better achieve wireless remote control, we will provide wireless remote control and a one-handed controller for easy use. 【MORE ACCESSORIES PROVIDED】- Complete Winches Accessories: 1 x Electric winch, 1 x Wireless Remote Controller, 1 x Hand Remote Controller, 1 x Hook, 1x Set of Bolts. The UTV winch is made of heavy-duty steel to ensure strength & durability. Waterproof control box, the electric winch is suitable for harsh environment. 【ENJOY ANY ADVENTURE】- With plenty of power to assist in ATV recovery, traversing rough terrain, or loading a boat, this ATV winch is a reliable and secure addition to any off-roading adventure. It is a necessary tool for Off-road enthusiasts. Also, it is suitable for heavy lifting, fishing, roadside assistance, etc.
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